Once upon a time, there was a movie based on a Keynote slide show, delivered by a former Vice President, with animated graphics and copious warnings. It was riveting and It was terrifying, although evidently not nearly terrifying enough. Anyway, all of this was likely before you were born.
Here’s Al Gore in An Inconvenient Truth from 2006:

Near the start of the film, he self-deprecatingly introduces himself:
I am Al Gore. I used to be the next President of the United States.
Immediately the stakes are clear and the slim margins that kept him out of the Presidency suddenly feels like a planetary-scale disaster. What corrections, what legislation, what common sense might he have been able to enact from the Oval Office?
The movie was a particular hybrid, starting with Gore shuffling Keynote slides on his laptop and proceeding to document the slide show performance he has delivered more than 1000 times since all over the world to state the obvious case for climate action. Wikipedia classifies the movie a “concert film.” It even won an Oscar. Also in 2006, the film became a book, designed in New York City by mgmt design, and available all over the world since.

Alicia Cheng, mgmt co-founding partner and currently Head of Design at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, will join us in class to tell us the story of making that book, and take us through a series of follow-up projects.
Continues in class . . .
October 31, 2023
An Inconvenient Truth

An Inconvenient Truth, excerpt

mgmt design
An Inconvenient Truth (book)
This Is What Democracy Looked Like (video)

Alicia Cheng
